Winner and Loser

Valerij Daniloff
3 min readApr 28, 2022

Just recently a human with great wealth and power said during an interview that he does not like to lose.

And most people on the planet earth do not want to lose. Just look around and see. You can see it in your workplace, in sports, in communication between humans, at the bar, in your home, within your family and relatives, and on social media. Basically in every arena, there is the avoidance of losing.

Now, naturally if one is avoiding losing, he is craving for the win. Win and lose are on each side of the same coin.

Let us look a bit deeper into this winning and losing.

Winning and losing are the outcomes in the field of competition. Humans are competitive and the competition is the bi-product of dominance. When humans want dominance over the other, they have a need and a calling, they are ambitious and this creates conflict because somebody else is standing in their way to achieving dominance over the other. The conflict breaths competition and there must therefore be a battle of some kind. From the battle, violence is born. There are many forms of violence, but the violence is from battle.

So the two humans do not want to lose because that brings pain. The want to escape fear through the battle to achieve the win.


Because the win gives great pleasure. Dominance gives great pleasure.

Just look around your own day-to-day life and don’t listen to me. See how many battles there are going on all the time.

Who has the coolest car

Who has the highest place in the social hierarchy

Who has the most sex

Who has the most money

Who has the most possessions

Who has the most knowledge

Who has the fittest body

Who has the best lifestyle

Who has the best clothing and looks

Who is the kindest

Who has the best points and beliefs

Who has the most power

It goes on and on…

At some point the extreme war between humans takes place. It has been taking place for thousands of years and it will continue like that if the human mind and brain are in the same conditioned state as it has been for a very long time.

As long as humans live in competition, jealousy, and fear they will naturally bring to the outer world violence from their own self-conflict.

So why is losing so fearful for a human?

What is losing?

Is it the loss itself, or is losing an outcome that reveals what is behind the mask contradicting the identity one have built and shaped over many years, which has become the mask one is wearing? And everybody else has their own mask and then they try to out-mask each other.

When one loses and it feels terrible, what is happening behind the mask is that the human had an idea that winning would bring a pleasure of some sort. When one loses, the pleasure is by default pain, and the human fears pain. He is always hungry for happiness which is a runaway from unhappiness.

So losing brings that to the table.

You see, competition, when you understand the root of it as we have gone into is really very immature and irrational. It does not have intelligence and wisdom. And when you see that almost the whole planet is competitive in every arena you can think of, you see how poisoned humans are. You see the deep conditioning.

Only through an understanding of what is behind winning and losing, one is free from the need of winning and losing and the human is totally free to pursue his craft without the burdens of competition and battle and violence. Which all paralyzes you and the act and craft of the human being.

Only when every human, for themselves understands, there will be peace.

