The understanding of the confusion

Valerij Daniloff
4 min readJul 15, 2022

At some point during the day, week, month, or year, a person will stand before a crossroad, splitting into more roads, having more than one decision to make.

When the human must choose, the answer one is looking for is not clear, so he finds himself in a thought process, trying to somehow clarify and define the different paths so one can make the best possible decision.

Because the human thinks, by default he uses his thoughts, and the thoughts are never new. They are always old, manifesting in the present, brought up from the memory as knowledge and experience.

So the human is trying to make a decision about something unknown that stands in front of him, by using his old thoughts to go in one direction or the other.

This we call confusion.

Not knowing, dwelling between one and the other.

What must be understood, is that thoughts are a part of who a human being is. The human defines oneself by a name and age and look, but under this, the human feels that one is his thoughts, and therefore his knowledge and his experiences, and his memories.

So the human is conditioned by his thoughts.

When one is confused about making a decision, and at some point makes one, what really happens is that one makes the decision and therefore the decision becomes a part of him as his new experience and knowledge,


at the same time chooses to not go the other way, and this also becomes a part of the human because it is still the thinking and thoughts that made that decision.

What happens to the human, is that one chooses A for a benefit, and chooses to leave B for inbenefit, and since both have become a part of the human,

one is actually choosing one part as a so-called “good” thing, and the other part as a “bad” thing, leading to pain and more confusion.



when the human chose to step away from the “bad”, he chose to ignore that part of himself. He just killed a little of himself by going away from it.

The human cannot make a clean and free decision, because he is attached to his thoughts and experiences, and by choosing to step away from one of them for the benefit of the other, he stretches and twerks and are detaching a part of his manufactured self.

A human is only attached to one thing really,

and that thing is the manufactured self. The false self.

What do I mean by it?

One is never attached to truth, an actuality. Because it is the actuality and therefore there are no beliefs or opinions, and there is nothing to gain, possess, need, or crave for. And by default, there is nothing to lose, so there is no fear.

Hence, decision-making becomes rational and there are no turmoils presented because there is no attachment.

But, when a human invents the manufactured self through various fields and forms, to further the preservation of the self, this can be lost every second as life goes on.

Therefore it creates fear, distortion, deterioration, and loss.


Because if you lose what you are attached to,

you will lose a part of yourself.

You will distort and kill a bit of yourself because you identify yourself with the very attachment that you have made.

If you let go of it, you fear becoming nothing.

This is why rituals like “5 steps to better decision-making”, never work, and have never worked in anybody’s life through the ages of man, other than to short-term please one-self.

So the human bounces between decisions A and B and categorizes those into “good” and “bad”, always trying to gain the “good” and leave the “bad”.


Because he acts from the center of the self, the center of ego, always trying to fulfill the manufactured self, to self-preserve the self, and sweeten the self.

This creates an enormous self-conflict, dragging one in different directions, confusing one, and eventually risking ending up in the act of violence.

The whole reason for this confusion is because the individual is trying to become happy, feel better, gain a moment of pleasure, enter joy,


the only reason for one to try to get to those, is because one does not currently, presently live in those states.

If one did, one would not try to get there, one would simply live there.

You see,

one can only begin from where one stands,

and therefore, one must investigate and observe where one stands, if one desires to do so.

When one can define this, genuinely, sincerely, truthfully,

one automatically, without effort and struggle, has no need to chase happiness,

one simply finds oneself in peace and joy,


for the first time in one's life,

one has taken the mask off,

to realize,

that the mask was the root of all the


