The Phrase from Coach

Valerij Daniloff
2 min readFeb 4, 2022

Coach: Just go out there and have fun.

This is as effective as: Don’t be sad.

When a human say this, what is really being said is: “Relax and don’t take it to seriously”.

The message being told is an attempt to bring the player into a state so that the player can access the skills by not bringing the mind into the game, but it is impossible to do it from the basis of prescriptions.

No player or artist in history has imbibed a sentence like that from a coach and then went out on the arena and had more fun. Humans don’t work that way. They cannot be told to have fun, or to not be sad, or to not be angry or to be happy or to be grateful or to be harmonic, or not to be depressive or to not be in grief.

This coach are speaking to the human without realising that the human is the slave of their mind. Conquer their minds, and the human will follow. The problem is that tricks and hacks will not conquer the mind, it does not stand a chance.

Prescriptions, like in the example above, will fail. Do not believe what you just read. The most effective way of finding out is to explore your own experience from it, and see for your self.

So why are prescriptions still around? Why are they being practiced every day?

Because humans do not want to get anywhere. They want the next thrill, the next pleasure chase, because it feels good. This in neither good or bad, it is simply the truth.

As long as the human do not realise this, he will forever buy into to the phrase: Just go out there and have fun.

