Dialogue is only possible without ankers

Valerij Daniloff
1 min readOct 16, 2022

In a dialogue,

when person A speaks, person B don’t respond with exactly the same meaning as that seen by person A.

Thus, the meanings are similar, but not identical.

When person B replies, person A sees a difference between what he meant to say and what the other person understood.

If only one of two people are free thinkers, a dialogue through communication is not possible.

Thus, there are almost no effective dialogues on the planet as long as one defends his ideas and brings prejudges.

If one brings out authority in a dialogue, the other will be a passive instrument to the authority.

If the other fights back, the dialogue is impossible.

Therefore, communication is not possible unless there are only free thinkers that are able to listen.

It is clear that if we are to live in harmony with ourselves and with nature, we need to be able to communicate freely and creative in which no one permanently holds on to or defends ones own ideologies.

