Boredom is your escape, and busy-ness is your tool

Valerij Daniloff
3 min readJul 16, 2022

Once I was told by an acquaintance that his girlfriend asked him if he wanted to watch a movie with her in the evening.

That night he said he couldn't because he had something else on his schedule, but they could watch a movie together another day, he asked.

Her reply was, that if he wasn't in to watch the movie, she was going to bed.

When he asked her why she told him that she was bored and she would rather go to bed and wake up tomorrow and therefore dodge the boredom.

Today, it almost seems like if one is not busy, one should be ashamed of oneself.

Have you ever thought about boredom and busy-ness?

The business man,

The entrepreneur,

The whomever,

Enjoys creating the illusion of self-importance.

He has “so much to do.”

He has “so many places to go.”

He has “so many obligations to fulfill.”

He complains of being “too busy.”

But in actuality he enjoys being busy.

Because busy-ness gives him a feeling of importance.

If you do something because you want to do it, then you do it to your interest and a desire for some reason.

But if you stay busy, for the sake of staying busy, to escape boredom, there is something entirely going on.

Let me elaborate.

Let us for a moment pretend that you were to be locked up in a room, and the only thing that room had was a toilet and a bed. Food was brought in to you every day.

If that were to happen right now, and, you did not know how long you would stay there.

What would happen?

I suspect you would at some point become bored, detached from your daily stimulus, left in complete isolation, only with the basic comforts of life in your immediate presence.

No phones, no pads, nothing.

You would have been in the presence of your thoughts, experiences, and your memories, replaying your most precious moments in life. And this time, there was nowhere to hide. No screen or book or social gathering to use as your escape tool.

It must be understood that one has been conditioned to stimulate as one have leftover energy.

And after years of stimulus, one has made the stimulus as a cure against boredom to become a habit as the persons neurons has become addictive. The busy-ness have become a short term drug for a shot of dopamine.

So, boredom is the very presence of your life, and you are left to live with it, without youtube telling you how to cure boredom in 1–2–3 steps.

You see, when one is bored, one actually feels close to nothingness, to the self that is underneath one's mask. And because one has been trained and conditioned over many years of doing busy-ness to escape boredom, one feels fear when one comes close to their own mind replaying the movie of their past and at the same time creating anxiety for the future because now in lock up, there is insecurity and unpredictability for the future.

So, boredom is a consequence of fearing the very self one has manufactured over many years and is now trying to stay busy to escape this very phenomenon.

Now, let me stop you before you think of sitting down and practicing boredom-ism or some sort of meditation that you think will cure your boredom.

If boredom is present in one's life, the only thing one can do, if one is interested to do so (not because I say so), is to look into it and unravel, refine and ask questions so it will, in the end, stand alone as the very source of the cause to the effect of boredom.

It will not help to escape it through various external factors.

It will only postpone it and then it comes back even stronger because it has been given significance, but not an investigation of its birth.

You can do so,

if you wish.

