
Valerij Daniloff
3 min readOct 14, 2022

Anxiety is fear of an uncertain outcome with consequences.

Take away consequences, no fear, and therefore no anxiety about the outcome.

Man thinks he lives in freedom and experiences episodes of anxiety,

but the truth is,

that man lives in anxiety and experiences episodes of freedom.

Man does not know peace and freedom, he has only tasted a drop of it from the oceans of anxiety.

When a man has many choices, he gets anxious about the possibility of being wrong. To make the faulty choice.

When a man has few choices, he gets anxious about not having choices, and thus his freedom.

Your day-to-day life is all an escape from anxiety,

the freedom of choice,

the anxiety about your success,

the need to progress,

your failure,

your behavior,

your actions,

how others will look at your clothes,

the way you made your hair today,

about the cookie you eat that makes you tired and fat,

about if you should go working out,

when passing your boss down the hall and he does not look you in the eyes,

the way Monday creeps in on a Sunday afternoon,

the friend you have not answered on Facebook and the avoidance of it,

the things you bought which make your wallet shirk,

the money you did not save,

the stock market,

the weather,

all of it is moments after moments of circumstances that make you anxious.

And in between all of them, you are hungry for freedom from them, you use different substances and fields to avoid, hide, fight, and escape.

Everybody you know lives this way, a way of anxiety.

Because everybody lives like this, it has become the norm of living. It has become the common way to suffer and to strive.

Naturally, a question arises about the daily things one does.

One would ask, “The things of daily life that one must do, are normal things, and aren't they part of life?”

They are. It is not a question about the things and actions one does, it is a question about how one feels when he does them.

When you are doing these things, do you feel calm, and relaxed? Or do you feel stressed and worried?

The man who is convinced, that his mind is him, is doomed to a life of anxiety.

If you understand who you fundamentally are, your mind will become your servant, because as of now, it is your master.

The reason why man seeks meaning and a purpose in life is because he runs away from life and the truth of it.

The reason why man has opinions is because he does not want, or does not see the actuality of the situation he finds himself in.

The reason why man seeks to become is because he is afraid of what he is.

All your life, it has been sold to you that you must pay today, for a better tomorrow.

This is the ticket to hell.

You have signed a faulty contract with yourself, and you are going to live in pain between now and tomorrow until you make the same contract again, and again.

For most humans, it is wonderful to trade today for an abstract thing tomorrow.

The process is a theory the world has sold you.

Last question:

Do you want to manage anxiety, or do you want to be free from it?

One can not get rid of it by force or suppression.

What one has the possibility do to, is to understand it.

And when it is understood, anxiety becomes your tool, and not another reaction to fear of a circumstance with a consequence.

You stop needing to avoid it, fight it, or hide from it.

And to need nothing is power over everything.

